Ah Monday – my day off. Rest, Rest, Rest. Oh really, let me see now. There is laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, errands, telephone calls and it is now time to get the car washed, since we have had no rain in weeks and the dust has accumulated. I hold off as long as I can because of the expense so I, like many of you perhaps, look at the weather forecast and decide that yes, today is the day. Run, Run and run. Are there enough hours in the day to do what we want. It really isn’t a day off is it?
I arrive at the car wash and there is a long line and I keep looking at my watch since I am meeting some friends for lunch and, naturally, the line is moving slowly. I get to the head of the line, rush to get inside to pay and then I wait to see when my car will come through the wash. Rush, Rush, Rush – I do not want to be late.
I look up at the roof line of the outside waiting area and there tucked away in a corner is a bird’s nest – and I smiled. Things were now in perspective.
I didn’t look up at the sky, smell the new mown grass, watch the animals cheerfully playing or the mothers walking with their children in the strollers; seemlingly unimportant events that occur every day; however, is this not our true lot in life? Enjoy the basics of creation and never forget that we are not in control.
Matthew 6:26…Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
How valuable are you feeling today and what is your specific gift that you bring to all of us? You know, we all have gifts and it is in our lifetime to develop and find those special gifts and give back to the world.
What can we learn from a bird’s nest? Charles Lamb writes…”A bird appears a thoughtless thing, no doubt he has his little cares, And very hard he often fares, The which so patiently he bears.” How do we bear up under our cares?
Edward Hale says, “I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
As servants, we cannot do everything but we can do some small little something for someone every day, no matter our circumstances. No matter how tired we may be, no matter how distracted we have become, no matter what our finances, no matter if we are alone or with family, we are significant and like the bird, we too have a nest , not physical but spiritual – our nest is not of twigs or twine but time and talent to be used in service to others.
Never think that you are insignificant, never believe for one minute that you do not have something to give or that your voice is unimportant. In this mad house world of business, we have a single minded purpose – to get ahead, forgetting that along the way our personal talent is there for the good of others. Examine your nest and see if anything is missing and as you gradually entertwine these traits into the person you wish to become, remember that you are loved and that you are never alone.
You are not under an eave at the car wash at the mercy of the elements but under the protection of your creator.
So, fly away my friends in service to others and remember the words of Colossians 3:14. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”
Now, that really is a discussion for another day.