It is finally here – Super Bowl Sunday.  It is billed as the greatest day in American Sports.  The food consumed is unbelievable, at least by the reports generated by the media.  I did not know that guacamole was so revered, let alone the billions of chicken wings that will be eaten as millions watch the game with drink in hand and comfortable easy chair in its rightful place along with the remote – WHO HAS THE REMOTE?

And, those poor chickens – who is speaking for them?  No more early morning wakeup calls for them!

Dominoes and Papa Johns must be out of their mind – I hope there are gas stations nearby.  Those avocado growers are jumping up and down perhaps even enough to shake them from the trees.  Less us not forget the Clydesdales – I hear that there are street cleaners lined up and down the main streets with  anticipation of the deliveries being made – oh, that’s right, it is red truck time.

I had a red truck once, only I called it a red twuck and it was something else.  It became rusted with time and eventually was discarded, as are so many things here in America.  The hype surrounding today cannot be described except to say that we believe what we see and hear.  What would our  lives be like today if we had to imagine such a game – does it really exist – is there really that much food on earth – are there really hungry people on the earth – there surely cannot be homeless people on earth because we have the DOME and artificial turf – we have controlled climate and we are cozy in our surroundings.

This is all good and we should enjoy ourselves.  My question is this:   Do we spend as much time in helping others as we do in preparing for today?  Do we place as much emphasis on the needs of others when we have such excess?  Can we put into perspective our lives so that our earthly pleasures never exceed the need for serving others?  There must be a balance.

Ecclesiastes 3:24-26…There is nothing better for mortals than to eat and drink, and to find enjoyment in their toil.  This also, I saw, is from the hand of G__; for apart from HIM who can eat or who can have enjoyment?  For to the one who pleases HIM G__gives wisdom and knowledge and joy…….

So, as we watch the game today – let us look to the future.  Perhaps next year, we will spend this time watching the game at a nursing home, perhaps inviting someone who is  alone in the world to enjoy a day of merriment with you,  and just perhaps we will just enjoy each other’s company,  even though they are rooting for the other team.  It is just a game and we are to enjoy it to the fullest in the spirit of joy – the joy of being with each other, the joy of waiting on each other, the joy of laughter, the joy of perhaps letting our hair down and talking about issues that maybe we have put off, the joy of being able to tell them you love them as their team scores a touch down.

The Super Bowl – It is the Super Bowl of one day in our lives.  Wouldn’t you like to have a super bowl day every day?  You can have it in the service of others when you give of yourself totally, without thought,  to the needs of another.   When your friends leave your home, it is my sincere wish that you will be filled with love when you are picking up the beverage cans, the pizza slices off the floor and in the sofa, cleaning the grease from the chicken wings that has stained your carpeting and that light colored chair that has been in your family for years, that  may or may not be cleaned due to some green food that no one seems to know about.

Now, that truly is a discussion for another day – what was the final score?


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