Proverbs: 20:15…There is gold, and abundance of costly stones; but the lips informed by knowledge are a precious jewel.
Do you thirst for knowledge?
Is it a bore to read?
Do you not like being told what to do?
Do you have a degree and feel that you are entitled?
Are you a 9-5er?
No Weekends?
Why have you chosen your present profession and why do you work the hours that you do?
When did all of this happen whereby we thought only of ourselves when, if we could really remember, people were thinking about us and helping us at DAY ONE. Our of love, our parents changed our diapers, played with us, loved us, fed us, worked hard for us and yes, they spent time with us teaching, hugging, wiping away our tears, taking us to school, buying our clothes, encouraging us and yes, disciplining us. Having just recently moved, many things were discarded; however, a place of honor has been given to a used, razor strap that graced the bottom of my body countless times, leaving its mark on a heretofore sound ego.
Was progress made? I hope so. Have I been perfect in every way? When you stop laughing, let’s continue this discussion.
Proverbs 8:1…Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice?
When at work, understand your fellow worker. Help everyone to better grasp what someone took the time to teach you. Being a servant requires self to be lost in others and in the process of helping others, you find self once more, but this time, glowing with a spirit inside of you that gradually will take control and when you smile, it is in recognition of your growing maturation process in loving your fellow brothers and sisters.
Help never stops. Help never gives up. Help sustains. Help loves. Help disciplines. Help is a pat on the back and a not so swift kick when needed. Caring is the word that seems to have eluded us in these past years.
Do you really care about the new employee? Do you really want your manager to succeed? Do you have jealousy because a fellow employee has more hours? Better Hours? Do you care about yourself to never be told to be on time, to wear your uniform, to polish your shoes, to have clean fingernails and yes ladies, finger nail polish is either all on or all off> When your nails are chipped, it says that you do not care and leaves an impression of less than professional attention to detail. Minor things stop major problems.
Are you being taken for granted? What did you learn today? What is your plan for tomorrow? Do you work harder trying to get out of work than actually working? Questions that need answering in a big way.
Sirach1:22-24…..Unjust anger cannot be justified, for anger tips the scale to one’s ruin, Those who are patient stay calm, until the right moment, and then cheerfulness comes back to them, They hold back their words until the right moment; then the lips of many tell of their good sense.
Greet your brothers and sisters with a smile, a helping hand and a giving heart. The success that you think you want will come in the form of selflessness and joy. Can you imagine what it would be like to become a total professional at your craft and at the same time give of your total self to others?
The two must be hand in hand and that my friends, is for a further discussion.