
Once again, it is Sunday morning and there is a Vivaldi Concerto being played on Baroque Sunday and the cat and I are settled in, Daniel is eating his new snack and I am reading from scripture.  This is after I had to put him out for being TOO much – full of himself-but he, like us, found his way back and is now back, always the  wiser.

The Prodigal Son wished to leave his comforts and strike out on his own, but also to take with him what was his, as he had a promised share of the fortune.  Everyone is familiar ith the story – lavish living only to waste an inheritance and then to eat with the pigs – then to realize that it had been a waste time.

Proverbs 19:27…Cease straying, my child, from the words of knowledge, in order that you may hear instruction.  We would rather waste our time and energy on our own than be told to work.  Why is that?

There is so much going on now that one turns to the right and left and finds no answers on his own.  It is the daily grind that we all do in some fashion.  Ecclesiastes1:3….What do people gain from all the toil at which they toil under the sun?  A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever.  So what does it all mean?

We all have choices which we make on a daily basis.  If you are not certain of your course, you search and search, perhaps even doing the same thing many times thinking that you can change the circumstances and much to your chagrin, you cannot.  If you, however, wish to involve yourself in servanthood, the choice is simple and straightforward – you do not need to veer to the right or left, as you know the only way is the straight and narrow.

Your life is in the service of others instinctively with no thought.  There is no more waste, there is no more self doubt, there is no down time, as you know what to do.

In your job, do you feel this way or are you wasting your time?  Do you feel that your immediate supervisor is to blame?  Do you feel that the employees working beside you are at fault.  The hardest thing that anyone in business will encounter is being able to stand alone, i.e., are you willing to give up everything for the right?  Will you speak up for the less trained?  Will you spend your down times in helping others less trained?  Are you told to help him, as he is new, or her, as she just cannot seem to get it right?  Or, do you simply say, let me help you with that OR do you mind if I offer a suggestion?

In business, we think we know what waste is  but  the fact is, we do not.  We look at bottom lines as acceptable but we never strive to see if it is possible to do better.  We do however, REALLY look, when the numbers are way down and business is slow.  Waste, Waste, Waste at the business level, affecting the millions of workers in this country, will it ever end?

Will we personally ever end our own waste of time and energy and become servants to our  fellow brother and sister?

Now, that is a discussion for another day.


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