
As you leave for work in the morning, what are your thoughts concerning your job?

Is life a struggle?

Do you anticipate problems based upon previous encounters?

Does it take every ounce of strength you have to smile each and every day to the same people day after day, who may be thinking the same things that you are thinking and in unison you each inwardly say, not again, another day, and then the caring smile.

These thoughts are not new, as our minds do indeed play tricks on us. We think about  certain things that we feel will happen, since the forces at work have shown that in the past these things would happen,  and much to our amazement, the outcome is never what we anticipated.  In the reverse, we seem never to be aware of our surroundings and even though the brick wall was right in front of us, we did not see  what would happen.  Is this not what business is like today?

Layoffs – Job realignments – demotions – early retirement – walking off the job – all symptoms of the thought processes of what we go through in our moments of silence where our imagination takes over.  The results are the same – these things happen when we least expect it because we are unaware of truth or refuse to look at truth, knowing full well that the desired outcome May Not Be what we want.

First Corinthians 13:11.   When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways.

Did I?

Servant hospitality is the controlling of our personal thoughts concerning us and channeling those thoughts for the good of others.  But how is this achieved?  It is the belief that we have personally lost ourselves, without thought, for the good of the world.  Yes, it is far reaching and becomes a virus that no one wants to eradicate.

So where am I in this picture?  Where do my thoughts take me in this process of servant hospitality?  Or, should I even think about it at all, and just do it?  Hebrews 4:12…Indeed, the word of G__ is living and active, sharper than any two- edged  sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Our heart is then the key to servant hospitality.  You can say you have a heart, you can send out and receive all the valentines you want but if your heart is not in overdrive without shifting, the wheels really are not turning.  No thought is required, no self help book, no personal lecture – it is only through the listening of the voice inside of us,  this incredible gift which causes us to seek out who we are, even though we may not really want to know,  this passion, this feeling, this euphoria – all of these are attainable when we realize that we are truly the children of G__.

Servant hospitality and wonderment go hand in hand – is it possible, can I do this, will it be well received, will it not be well received, should I, shouldn’t I, are there consequences, are there responsibilities for the future, are my motives genuine – Press on my friends to a new life.

Now, that really is a discussion for another day.


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