The alarm goes off, either in our head or by our bed – rhyme or reason??
Yes, we laid our clothes out the night before, yes we polished our shoes and yes, the coffee maker was ready to go, either time set or manually. It is just another day in our lives. Wouldn’t you like to make it the start of not just another day but a day of composure, patience, learning and respect?
How is this possible?
Wisdom requires a lifetime of understanding, listening, prayer. weeping, smiling, laughter, hatred, loving, and of course, being a servant to all.
When King David died, his son Solomon asked G__ for only one thing – above riches, fame, glory – he asked for wisdom. Kings and princes came from all over the known world to be in his presence to see and experience this gift. We will not get into the downfall of this great man. We will, however, mention that we, too, can obtain this gift.
The answer is simple…Proverbs 1:1-7, especially 7…..The fear of the L___ is the beginning of knowledge.
As I have mentioned in some earlier posts, in our lives, the first word we seemed to have learned is “I.” I have done this, I have accomplished this, I was born with this, I will do this, I made you what you are today, I alone can tell you what to do, I am in charge, I can do what I want to do, I am in charge of my destiny, I, I, I.
It is part of us that we seek the truth or the meaning of our lives, but do we really want the answer? What is sad for me is that there are millions who do not believe in our CREATOR G__ and who make fun of H__ all the time in public and private and this country does not allow us to pray to him in our schools, at public events, and sometimes even at so called religious gatherings; yet, as we are dying, in a terrible accident, experiencing financial difficulties, living with relationship issues or having a serious illness….we cry out to H__ to save us.
Please read no further, as it will be of no interest to you to do so if you do not believe that you are a child of G__ . Our Father corrects, advises, consoles, and gives us a peek at wisdom, but only through H__ and not through our own thoughts.
Proverbs 2:1-2…My child, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and abundant welfare they will give you. Then again, starting in verse 5….Trust in the L___ with all of your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes…….
Are you ready for change? Are you ready to make your ROUTINE day a BLESSED day from G__ and are you ready to give of yourself to others?
The worst of things seem brighter, the influences of others are now overshadowed by the words of the FATHER, your patience level has attained new heights, you feel better and you stand taller. Is our relationship with H__ a placebo for just today or is it the multi vitamin of all vitamins for our entire future?
In our seeking of “Wisdom,” we must do our part. As servants, we are to learn our craft, we are not to take shortcuts, we are to study and learn about our responsibilites, not only to work matters but to human concerns, and we are not to, as we all are so proned to do, make excuses.
The many errors that I have made were of my own choosing and I can blame no one for this. When we were first conceived, we were given the gift of free will – our human intelligence mechanism in the decision making process. I wish that it were possible to take back all the things that I have done or did not do in my career, but these are past and I have asked G__ to forgive me and am asking those who may not recall all of the events, to forgive me as well. It was my so called wisdom that led me down wrongful paths that led to destruction.
Have you ever dreaded going to work? I just cannot face another day at that terrible place? I just cannot stand to be around those people anymore. I will get by as that is what they deserve, after all, there are many others like me who just get by and they seem to be doing well. I cannot wait for my days off.
Are you physically and emotionally drained? Do you not know what to do? Are you seeking relief from these ROUTINE DAYS?
Daniel Chapter 2: vs 19-23…Blessed be the name of G__ from age to age, for wisdom and power are H__. ……..Let your days begin and end with praise. Psalm 100:3…Know that the L__ is G__. It is he that hath made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
May you never have JUST another ROUTINE DAY. Now, that really is a discussion for another day.