
As individuals, we all posess the right to do as we please.

As an onlooker, does one have the right to interfere in the choices of another?

If so, how so?

Romans 2:1…..Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.  POWERFUL READING AND TRUTH.

I have judged others in work, as I thought my way was the right way and he shouldn’t be doing those things and she has no right to do that.  Judging!  Is there a compromise?  Let’s not use that word but say ARE THERE CONCERNS that need to be addressed?

Inately, I believe that we all want good things for all people, even though there are times when we wish ill will for those who have wronged us.  Forgiveness is another topic to be discussed later.  If our hearts are right, we learn to step aside and give room for clarity. I do not wish harm for anyone but in my being, I must admit, I have said, I hope they have learned their lesson!

What lesssons do we wish to teach on a daily basis?  Compassion it would seem to be a rule of thumb in business; however, this is not always true.  You are 65, out with the garbage.  You are overweight, no positions for you in front greeting the customer.  You do not have the education, please stay in the back.  I have been at this longer, please do not tell me what to do or what works.  Sound familiar?

How are your listening skills?  Do we dismiss people because of their language skills?  Do we not listen because it is only a passing meeting and nothing much will come of this except to be nice on this occasion?  Are we just too busy to help  another with problems?


Learning to read the signs, i.e., eye contact, moods, change in dress, change in personal care, change in quality of work, changes in relationships with others – do we really care or are we just simply not interested except in ourselves?

Have you ever wanted to simply cry on someone’s shoulder and have that person JUST LISTEN? –   No judgments, no comments, just a simple smile of understanding and concern.  So then, what is the answer.

Proverbs 15:13…A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.

If your heart is right, you will notice those whose spirits are broken not only at work but in life.  Give until it hurts – of yourself to others.  Listen to those whose troubles are overwhelming and whose understanding of expectations is unclear.  Help those who perhaps do not even know they need help.  Guide and direct , without coersion, your fellow employee in the right direction for self improvement and self worth.

The Lord loveth a cheerful giver – a saying we have heard all of our  lives – which pertains to money; however, when you give of your heart to those in need without being asked, that is the true gift which enables your fellow man to become successful not only in business but in life.

What is success?  Now, that is a discussion for another day.


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