Lines of Distinction

Ecclesiastes 8:1….  Who is like the wise man?  And who knows the interpretation of a thing?  Wisdom makes one’s face shine, an dthe hardness of one’s countenance is changed.

Having been around older people all of my life, I wish I had listened to their counsel for my life.  Their wisdom is tried and true and with the lines of age comes understanding.

Did they tell us the stove was hot – or did they let us burn ourselves?  Everyone remembers being told not to run into the street and to hold onto the parents’ hand when walking in large groups of people.  Don’t put that mud in your mouth!  Where have you been?!  Listen to me when I am talking to you!  How many times do I have to tell you?!   If you do that again……………………….and the list goes on and on.

Those lines of distinction on our parents’ faces  now seem to have developed without our even noticing.

Are there lines on your face at work?  You do know that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.

What reactions are generated by managers and employees regarding instructions?  What lines do you see when either giving or receiving instructions?   Better yet, can you feel your lines being developed?  What do these lines say about you?

Matthew 5:22..But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council…As my lines have been developing, in my zeal to accomplish goals, I have insulted my brother and sister.  For you see, we are all children of GOD and as such, brothers and sisters.

It grieves me that I have done this….which poses my question.  Is the stove hot?

Perhaps you have an answer regarding how to instruct everyone in the ways of professionalism.  I have always believed that when a person has been given opportunities all during life, the responsiblity is there to give back everything that has been learned.  Just how you give this back is another matter, as I am learning.

Among employees, do you let them find out the fire is hot or do you keep them away from the stove in the hopes that they will believe.

Free will is a great and terrible thing.  We are all born with this indescribable gift and how we use it is up to us.  Care and concern for the welfare of our brother and sister is  our first priority, next to, of course, our belief in the Creator.  How do we show care and concern?

Are job descriptions thorough and concise?  Are they attainable? Is there enough training?  Is there enough followup?  Is everyone on the same page? Is everyone accountable in the same way? Do you do what you say you are going to do?  Has the right person been hired for the job?  Does anyone really believe that just because a person has been hired for a particular job, that person is suited for that job automatically?   We are here to help each other no matter what the circumstances and we who are in authority have a responsiblity to everyone.

Matthew5: 37…Let your word be yes, yes, or no no.  When we avoid issues because we believe they will go away, it will eventually come down to yes or no and by the time this has happened, the situation is volatile and then there really are hard feelings.

The lines that we develop on our faces tell the world just who we are.  Are our lines those of kindness or the opposite?  Are our lines caring lines or neglectful lines?  Do our lines reflect our truthfulness?  Do our  lines seemingly go away when we do random acts of kindness?

In Psalm 64..we are told For the human heart and mind are deep.  When your lines are developing,  is it in the process of helping others achieve their strengths?

Just how far are you willing to go to help those in need of guidance and restoration?

Now, that is a discussion for another day.


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