
Psalm 104:23…People go out to their work and to their labor until the evening.

Is this you or do you feel entitled?

Proverbs 16:26…The appetite of workers works for them; their hunger urges them on.

Are you hungry?

Do you really want to take care of yourself or do you feel you are to be given everything without working for it?  Pride can be a terrible thing; however, pride pushes us forward to do better at our jobs, to be more receptive to criticism and to learn that good, hard, honest work is a joy to the soul.

Many of you were never made to do anything.  It was all given to you and since childhood, you have expected the same from everyone.  This is evident in today’s work environment and certainly rears its ugly head in all the government entitlement programs whereby monies are given out freely, and in most cases, without  checking to see where the money goes.

Having just been in the presence of two talented and loving college graduates about to embark on marriage, it was evident that their values were entact.  Their parents had instilled in them the virtue of honest, hard work and that the world is not ready for another GRADUATE student, another doctoral student who cannot seem to leave the hallowed halls of protection, removing them from the real world of work, good and bad times, laughter and sorrow, peace and hostility.

Are we clones?  Do we not each possess something beautiful to give to the world?  Do we feel that the world is to give to US rather than our giving to the world?  When did we awaken and feel that our true life commitment is to take rather than to give?  At what point in our lives was this attitude allowed to continue and at what point in our lives do we make a decision to either follow this path of thinking or strike out  on our own and make a difference in the world?

So many people, in fact the majority I feel, are searching – where is the placebo that is going to make me totally happy – I only have 30 minutes, as I want to go back to sleep.  Is where we live the cure?  Is our schooling the cure?  Are our friends the answer?  Is the way we dress the answer?  Is the car we drive the answer?  Or, imagine for one minute, your tying the shoelaces of a child, your helping a widow with her groceries, your giving of your clothing to someone less fortunate, or perhaps, just listening to someone who is crying and who is overwhelmed by life today.  Imagine giving everything that you have at a job, whereby you do not have to be told to do everything, but a job where you are inquisitive, you search for knowledge and you listen to instruction.

Do you tell yourself that your “FAKE JOB” is really work?  At what point are you ready, willing and able to get in the trenches, roll up your sleeves and get dirty?  You do realize of course that it is the people in the trenches that get the ball rolling in any company.  You do know that in order for the ball to KEEP rolling, you must know HOW to keep the ball rolling.

In today’s society, we push for a college education, leave no child behind, finish that degree, go for your masters’ and the list is endless of the TO DO things that supposedly will GUARANTEE us a successful life.  We have forgot that no one is entitled and that we are all equal to the task at hand and that we all have an equal opportunity to succeed.  Where did this I am better than you attitude occur just because we have a college degree?  Where did this I am better than that and deserve more money to start work attitude come from in today’s society.

Many can blame thoughts and actions like this on certain eras of time in our past, i.e., government leaders, authors, fellow citizens; however, at birth we are given free will to make choices.  Are our choices working for us or is everyday a question mark?  What is reality?  Can we face reality?  Do we WANT to face reality?

Proverbs 18:14-15….The human spirit will endure sickness; but a broken spirit – who can bear?  An intelligent mind requires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

To give of one’s self to others produces a purring of the soul that will heal a broken spirit – becoming a servant to all is the beginning.

Now, that really is a discussion for another day.



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