
Let’s just play it safe.  Let’s don’t upset anyone.  So, it is not exactly right – oh well – things are calm now – let it ride – if I push it to the limit, then my time will be taken and I will have to disrupt my quiet thoughts and easy life – let’s just let it be.

How often have you heard this?  Should you really want the best?  Should you really try hard?  No one else seems to really care.  Let’s just laugh and be happy.  So we’re almost there – no big deal – we didn’t get any complaints, so it’s all right.

What is our responsibility?

Proverbs 25:12-13.. A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.  Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold, is a wise rebuke to a listening ear…

We,  who are in positions of authority,  have a mandate for ourselves – we are to be a servant to others and we are to help them and to instruct them in ways that will sustain them when we are not there.  A business is only great when the Chairman is not there.  How a business operates on its own with everyone working together is the true test of responsibility.  When we overlook even the smallest detail, we deny another individual the right to knowledge.

Madison Avenue tells us about the promised joys of products every day – products that will give us great happiness, if only we would buy them.  Sadly, these products are purchased. We separate ourselves from our fellow man so as not to get involved.  After all, our life is great and no one is going to mess it up.

A servant understands by a glance or by conduct – nothing spoken – when something is not quite right with another person.  A servant accepts who he is and moves on to the needs of others without thinking.  It is just how the days start and end.

So what then is our challenge?  The challenge is to lose ourself in the service to others, to be aware of their needs and to offer our hand – to acknowledge-the existence of another and together watch the sunset with a smile.

In business, connecting the dots among all departments is the key to success.  You cannot have a great Food and Beverage Department and at the same time have a less than great Housekeeping and Maintenance Department.  Let my experiences work for you to help upgrade your standards for success.

If you are interested in becoming a servant to all while maintaining your strength of purpose, I look forward to hearing from you.

Now, that is a discussion for another day.





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