When an employee is hired in any company, there are certain inherent traits that all management assumes are present; i.e., thank yous, excuse me, I’m sorry, pardon me, may I help you, let me help you with that and the list goes on and on.

What has happened in today’s society where this is missing?

We expect to train an individual to become a waiter and in the training process, the person keeps walking in front of each fellow employee and thinks nothing about it.  A cook is being trained and in the process spills something which is picked up by another employee.  Did you hear a thank you?  A desk clerk interrupts a guest and is in the process of defending his/her actions, when a simple I am sorry this happened to you.  Tell me what we need to do to fix this.

Management stands around and watches the ship going down and will not lift a finger to clear a table, seat someone, help an older person with a chair, or pick up something that has been dropped.  You see, I have a title and I have put in my time.  A receptionist is too busy with personal work to help  someone who needs assistance  – one who must also be kept standing until the personal phone call is completed.  Did I mention that chewing gum also seems to be the fashion of the day in front of the customer?

All of these things are going on while we are trying to teach a work skill.  Will someone please tell me what is wrong with this picture?

We have all heard the commandment to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself; yet, we walk in front of each other, honk at each other, curse at each other, ride the bumper of the driver in front of you, turn without signaling, drive in the middle lane 15 miles below the speed limit, talk to one another while weaving in the road, push our grocery carts in front of one another to get to the check out line, leave an item on the floor that we knocked over while reaching for an item at the supermarket, grab for the last item, and this is before we go to work.

As an employer, do you really expect your employee to thank your guests for their order?  Do you really expect your employee to be in uniform?  Are you surprised when your employee wants a break immediately upon clocking in?  Are you scratching your head because your employees walked right by another employee who needed help and kept on going?

We do not help anyone if we only look at business skills without first looking at life skills.  To err is human, to forgive divine – a soft answer turneth away wrath – it is more blessed to give than to receive – love your neightbor as yourself – love your enemies – Those who ignore instruction despise themselves, but those who heed admonition gain understanding – Pride goes before destruction –

Proverbs 6:20- 22….My child, keep your father’s commandment, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.  Bind them upon your heart always; tie them around your neck.  When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you.  The basics of human kindness are the forerunners for great business and when we get so busy that we forget that we are all brothers and sisters, responsible to and for each other, we become like a boat with no rudder.

In all thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct thy paths.

Now, that really is a discussion for another day.


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