
Why do I always have to be the one that must adjust to things?

Can’t I just have one day where things go my way?  I don’t wish harm for anyone, I don’t want to be ugly with anyone – I just want to be left alone to do my thing in the way I want to do it.  I want to go to work, I want to do what I know is best without any interference, I just want to serve and I just would like to get up, get dressed, go to work, put in my time and go home – eat what I want when I want – have the music on or off – watch the program I want – read the book and be quiet somewhere in the house – be alone with my thoughts – play with the animals – speak to those I wish to speak to and go to bed when I want and get up when I want.

Is such a life possible?

Yes – it is called making adjustments for the priorities that you seek.

Ecclesiastes 1:8….All things are wearisome; more than one can express; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, or the ear with hearing.

Is life a drag?  Or, as you have heard it said in 2012, life sucks.

Perhaps, you feel that you are alone.  Our G__ is with us and as has been said thousands of years ago in Psalms 78:14…  In the daytime he led them with a cloud, and all night long with a fiery light.   He split rocks open in the wilderness, and gave them drink abundantly as from the deep.  He made streams come out of the rock, and caused waters to flow down like rivers.  G__ is still doing this today.

Does our G__ not make adjustments with us and our behavior?  We are taught that HE loves us no matter what.  We can experience that with our earthly father who, although annoyed with us at times, his love never leaves us.

The adjustments we make should be intuitive.  We see a need because we have left ourselves out of the equation and have let others into our realm of consciousness.  We in essence have left our bodies and the ongoing so called needs that we feel we must have and we have actually felt the needs of others.  We are now entering this realm of servanthood.

Adjustments are never thought of in servanthood. Our cruise control is always on to the needs of  others and we may get ticketed for pushing too hard, trying too hard, or just doing what our heart tells us to do. You wouldn’t mind paying that ticket would you?

At work, it must be a game within yourself to see how many persons you can help, how many persons you have a kind word for during the day, how many careful instructions you can give from your experience and most importantly, how you are able to bounce back into cruise mode when you have to slow down for that person in the wrong lane of thought.

Job Chapter 42: 2…I  know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.  Job adjusted his thinking towards the living G__.  Cannot we do the same with our fellow brothers and sisters?  Is is really so difficult to adjust our thinking in being a servant to others.  Our business life and personal life entertwine as our thoughts and actions in each case define our character.

Now, that really is a discussion for another day.


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