Everything old is new again. This theory produced results over 40 years ago, was forgot, and now is back in existence as the correct way to manage.
Why then do so many supervisors sit behind a desk all day long? There is always paper work or usage of the computer; however, during the busiest of times when our lead is so important, we are in our offices – hidden away.
Life is great in the eye of the storm but not so wonderful when the wind picks up and there is catastrophe looming. It will take care of itself – I know my people can handle it – I really do not want to confront anyone – If I am not available, they will go away. It is not as bad as people say it is.
Sound familiar?
Why are we satisfied with less than the best?
Why do we make excuses?
Do we really want this responsibility? Do we really deserve this responsibility.
It is easy getting in the door but how long we manage to stay will depend upon our hard work and caring. Being a servant is being where you need to be, when you need to be there, how long you need to be there and when you need to be somewhere else. This is management by walking around. Never leave a place in your business until all situations have been handled – mostly to everyone’s satisfaction.
If you lose an employee who was not working, was late, not in uniform and one whose attitude was less than agreeable, did you really lose anything. Too often we allow situations to be overlooked in our management style and the good employees must put up with these less than professional decisions.
Are you surprised when your good employees leave?
Being visible is the best morale booster in the business. “Oh, I have never seen her – I have heard about her – she is just too busy.” “Yes, I saw him once, on his way to a meeting which I believe was the third meeting of the morning and I wasn’t even acknowledged.”
Has this happened to you?
If you as a manager are in too many meetings, in front of your computer all the time, on the telephone all the time, have too many lunch appointments and if you generally are just there in name only, why are you so surprised that your P and L did not shape up the way that it should have?
Let me guess. You were there all the time. What could have happened?
My friends, that is a discussion for another day.