If I were getting paid what I am worth, I would be happy.
My schedule is not what I want and they are asking me to do things that are not part of my job description. I was not hired to do this.
What do you mean – I cannot have the weekend off? Just because you have a function for 1000 people, that is not my concern – that is in another department.
So I’m 5 minutes late. It’s only 9:05 – what’s the big deal?
I put the chairs down and set the tables. That’s all you asked me to do. Now you want me to place the chairs in a straight line, so they’re a little crooked, and, on top of that, you want me to actually place the silverware.
I needed a break from work. I worked two hours on my shift and those last people just took too much out of me.
I did what was asked of me and now it is time for me. So the other employees are behind – we all get paid the same – let them catch up – I am not doing their job –
Why won’t those people help me when I need help?
Why is it that WE do not want to work for the time that WE have clocked in to work. WE sure do want our vacations when WE want them, WE want our time off when WE request it, and WE certainly want a raise every year, because, you see, WE deserve it.
Has the light bulb gone on yet regarding service and being a servant to all? If you want the Cadillac, work for it.
Too often we place the money above the giving of service – how did we forget that it is because of our servanthood to others that the money comes to us? The service industry is in trouble – either from the top, where it is too expensive or from the bottom, where people just do not care.
What is the cure………… Consistency! Do you really enjoy serving others? Do you smile inwardly when you know you have pleased someone? Do you, in your heart, really want to help that person? Are you genuine in your dealings with others? or, is it just too much trouble to serve that person, as it is just one person and what can he/she give me?
It is true that the money will come as a result of your good work; however, your soul must be in it in order to maintain this high level of consistency.
Do I listen? Do I talk too much? Do I judge? Do I make wise cracks to fellow employees regarding certain patrons? OR, am I genuinely friendly to everyone and have everyone’s interest at heart, as you see, I am a servant to all.
Is the rent due? Is the car payment late? Are they getting ready to shut off the utilities? All viable concerns.
Make the most of your situation and give it everything that you have. There will be instances of severe downturns in certain areas; however, you will know that you did your best. Listen to what people want and provide the service. Whenever there is an opportunity, get the training that you need and ask for ongoing help from your direct supervisor.
Proverbs 29:1……….One who is often reproved, yet remains stubborn, will suddenly be broken beyond healing.
Listen and learn……………Now that is a lesson for another day……….